Purpose: To encourage and hold accountable the committees of the presbytery in their work of serving Jesus Christ and Christ's church; to coordinate and administrate the activities of presbytery as directed in the by-laws; and to prayerfully seek God's future for the presbytery through corporate-discussion, visioning and planning.
Function: The Council Functions like a congregational session
Rev. Rebecca Neindorff
The Moderator shall:
Preside at meetings of Presbytery. Presides at ordination and installation of Teaching Elders. Serve as liaison between committees. Conduct the Commissioning Service for the commissioners to Synod and General Assembly. Appoint all special committees and commissions unless otherwise instructed by the Presbytery. Preside at Council in absence of Executive Presbyter. Serve as a voting member of council.
Ruling Elder, Wendy Frisby, wendyhfrisby@gmail.com
Serves as pastor and counselor to ministers of Presbytery. Gives oversight to ministers and church relationships. Assists in filling pastoral vacancies.
Finance Committee Chair: RE Mike Klinke, MKlinke1@comcast.net
Representation/Nominating Committee Chair: Rev. Don Painter, dhp1954@gmail.com
RE Paul Seefeldt
The Moderator-Elect shall:
Serve as a voting member of Presbytery Council. Serve as liaison between committees. Preside at Presbytery meetings in the Moderator's absence. Assist the Moderator in the formation of special committees.
Moderator: Rev. William Getman, wfgetman55@gmail.com
The duties and responsibilities of this committee include the nurturing and supervision of those who are preparing to become ministers of the word and sacrament.
Personnel Committee Chair:
Rev. John Nurnberger, jnurn@comcast.net
Stated Clerk
Rev. Diane Curtis, statedclerk@presbyfsnj.net
1701 Sycamore Street, Haddon Heights, NJ 08035